Elevate Your Brand In The Public Eye With Targeted Publicity Strategies
Advertising and publicity strategies go hand-in-hand to ensure your brand not only creates compelling advertising campaigns but that you receive positive public attention from powerful news outlets and media sources.
After decades of working on international advertising campaigns, the team at Unique Image has curated an extensive database of contacts at leading news outlets and media firms across the globe. We’ll help you raise your profile with tried-and-true advertising and publicity strategies that instantly skyrocket your brand awareness and captivate your target audience.

Gain Quality Attention From Top Media Outlets
Is any publicity actually good publicity? Maybe not, but we’ll ensure that your brand receives the highest quality of positive publicity to initiate goodwill among the media while establishing a brand persona that draws in your clients with an emotional connection.
The creative PR specialists at Unique Image will create a strategic publicity plan, thatincludes news stories in valuable industry publications and online platforms, interviews, blog posts, speaking engagements, charitable partnerships, and more unique solutions, designed specifically to target your market niche.

Establish Goodwill and Industry Respect With Charitable Events
Charitable publicity is one of the most cost-effective ways to spread the word about your company or brand, and can also help build credibility within your industry. Charitable events and fundraisers typically attract journalists, reporters, and free coverage from other members of the media, all serving to raise your profile and establish a “halo effect” surrounding your brand.
Participation in charity events is a great way to begin building a network of partners who may be able to provide resources in the future, while also driving organic awareness that is not tied to marketing spend.
Whether you wish to sponsor events, participate in fundraisers, or establish your charity program, Unique Image has the helping hand you need to build powerful publicity in your favor.